Deploy Wasm functions on Kubernetes with Simplism.

Deploy Wasm functions on Kubernetes with Simplism.

Part 2: Deploy and use a Wasm registry on Kubernetes

Deploy a Simplism Wasm Registry on Kubernetes

Disclaimer: the registry mode of Simplism is a worl in progress (at the beginning of the project, it was a facility to do some tests) and is not ready entirely for production use yet. (== it's not battle tested)

First, add these variables to the .env file:


PRIVATE_REGISTRY_TOKEN is to protect the downloads from the registry and the query to the registry service

ADMIN_REGISTRY_TOKEN is to protect the upload to the registry

Then, we need these three manifest files:

wget -O ./manifets/wasm-registry-volume.yaml
wget -O ./manifets/deploy-wasm-registry.yaml

wget -O ./manifets/deploy-wasm-from-registry.yaml

Create a space to store the Wasm files of the Registry

We are going to store the uploaded WASM files:

set -o allexport; source .env; set +o allexport

rm -f tmp/create.wasm.registry.volume.yaml
envsubst < manifests/wasm-registry-volume.yaml > tmp/create.wasm.registry.volume.yaml

# Create namespace (if needed)
kubectl create namespace ${KUBE_NAMESPACE} --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
# Deploy
kubectl apply -f tmp/create.wasm.registry.volume.yaml -n ${KUBE_NAMESPACE}

You should see:

persistentvolume/task-pv-wasm-registry-volume configured
persistentvolumeclaim/task-pv-wasm-registry-claim configured
pod/wasm-registry-store configured

Now, we can deploy the Wasm Registry service.

Deploy the Wasm Registry

Use these commands:

set -o allexport; source .env; set +o allexport

rm -f tmp/deploy.wasm.registry.yaml
envsubst < manifests/deploy-wasm-registry.yaml > tmp/deploy.wasm.registry.yaml

# Create namespace (if needed)
kubectl create namespace ${KUBE_NAMESPACE} --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
# Deploy
kubectl apply -f tmp/deploy.wasm.registry.yaml -n ${KUBE_NAMESPACE}

You should see:

service/wasm-registry created
deployment.apps/wasm-registry created created

You can get the ingress of the service with this command:

kubectl describe ingress wasm-registry -n ${KUBE_NAMESPACE}

And now you can check the Wasm Registry:

curl http://${KUBE_NAMESPACE}.registry.${DNS}
# you should get: 
🖖 Live long and prosper 🤗 | simplism v0.1.3
# yes I'm a Trekkie

Publish some Wasm plug-ins to the Registry

In Part 1 of this tutorial, we downloaded some WASM files, so now we are going to push them to the Wasm registry:

curl http://${KUBE_NAMESPACE}.registry.${DNS}/registry/push \
-H 'admin-registry-token: morrison-hotel' \
-F 'file=@./wasm-files/small-cow.wasm'

curl http://${KUBE_NAMESPACE}.registry.${DNS}/registry/push \
-H 'admin-registry-token: morrison-hotel' \
-F 'file=@./wasm-files/small_ant.wasm'

Now you can get the list of the wasm files:

curl http://${KUBE_NAMESPACE}.registry.${DNS}/registry/discover \
-H 'private-registry-token: people-are-strange' \
-H 'content-type:text/plain; charset=UTF-8'

# you should get this output:
|       NAME       |                 PATH                 |  SIZE   |       CREATED       |
| small-cow.wasm   | wasm-registry-files/small-cow.wasm   |  194165 | 2024-01-26 07:27:00 |
| small_ant.wasm   | wasm-registry-files/small_ant.wasm   | 2246665 | 2024-01-26 07:27:07 |

If you prefer a JSON output:

curl http://${KUBE_NAMESPACE}.registry.${DNS}/registry/discover \
-H 'private-registry-token: people-are-strange' \
-H 'content-type:application/json; charset=UTF-8'

And, you can download "manually" the Wasm files:

curl http://${KUBE_NAMESPACE}.registry.${DNS}/registry/pull/small-cow.wasm -o small-cow.wasm \
-H 'private-registry-token: people-are-strange'

So, let's deploy the Wasm functions using the registry.

Deploy a Wasm function from the registry

Then, we can deploy the functions from the registry:

set -o allexport; source .env; set +o allexport
export SERVICE_NAME="small-cow"
export WASM_FILE="small-cow.wasm" 
export WASM_URL="http://${KUBE_NAMESPACE}.registry.${DNS}/registry/pull/${WASM_FILE}"
export FUNCTION_NAME="handle"

# as we already deploy this service, remove it before
kubectl delete -f tmp/deploy.${SERVICE_NAME}.yaml -n ${KUBE_NAMESPACE}

rm -f tmp/deploy.${SERVICE_NAME}.yaml
envsubst < manifests/deploy-wasm-from-registry.yaml > tmp/deploy.${SERVICE_NAME}.yaml

# Create namespace (if needed)
kubectl create namespace ${KUBE_NAMESPACE} --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
# Deploy
kubectl apply -f tmp/deploy.${SERVICE_NAME}.yaml -n ${KUBE_NAMESPACE}

(Note that I removed the previous deployment with this command: kubectl delete -f tmp/deploy.${SERVICE_NAME}.yaml -n ${KUBE_NAMESPACE} )

You should see:

service/small-cow created
deployment.apps/small-cow created created

You can get the ingress of the service with this command:

kubectl describe ingress ${SERVICE_NAME} -n ${KUBE_NAMESPACE}

Now you can call the function:

curl http://${KUBE_NAMESPACE}.${SERVICE_NAME}.${DNS} -d '👋 Hello World 🌍'
# you should get: 
(__)\       )\/\
    ||----w |
    ||     ||
👋 Hello World 🌍

🎉 Let's do it for the other Wasm function:

set -o allexport; source .env; set +o allexport
export SERVICE_NAME="small-ant"
export WASM_FILE="small_ant.wasm" 
export WASM_URL="http://${KUBE_NAMESPACE}.registry.${DNS}/registry/pull/${WASM_FILE}"
export FUNCTION_NAME="handle"

# as we already deploy this service, remove it before
kubectl delete -f tmp/deploy.${SERVICE_NAME}.yaml -n ${KUBE_NAMESPACE}

rm -f tmp/deploy.${SERVICE_NAME}.yaml
envsubst < manifests/deploy-wasm-from-registry.yaml > tmp/deploy.${SERVICE_NAME}.yaml

# Create namespace (if needed)
kubectl create namespace ${KUBE_NAMESPACE} --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
# Deploy
kubectl apply -f tmp/deploy.${SERVICE_NAME}.yaml -n ${KUBE_NAMESPACE}

You should see:

service/small-ant created
deployment.apps/small-ant created created

You can get the ingress of the service with this command:

kubectl describe ingress ${SERVICE_NAME} -n ${KUBE_NAMESPACE}

Now you can call the function:

curl http://${KUBE_NAMESPACE}.${SERVICE_NAME}.${DNS} -d '✋ Hey people 🤗'
# you should get: 
  \_\  _..._
  (" )(_..._)
   ^^  // \\
✋ Hey people 🤗

Get the list of the deployed Wasm functions:

kubectl get ingress -l component=simplism-function --namespace simplism-faas

You should get:

NAME          CLASS    HOSTS                                                                         ADDRESS                                             PORTS   AGE
small-ant     <none>   80      90m
hello-world   <none>   80      83m
small-cow     <none>   80      49s

And that's it 🎉!

Don't forget that I created a project with all the files of this tutorial, and I "gitpodified" the project, so you don't need to install anything: